Illinois Child Welfare Employee License (CWEL) Practice Test 2024 - Free CWEL Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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What disorder is characterized by confused thinking, delusions, hallucinations, changed feelings, and changed behavior?

Dual Diagnosis of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse



The correct response is indeed psychosis, as this disorder is defined by a significant disruption in thought processes and perception, leading to symptoms such as confused thinking, delusions, and hallucinations. Individuals experiencing psychosis may also exhibit altered emotional responses and behavioral changes, which can severely impact their ability to function in daily life. While other conditions listed, like dual diagnosis, depression, and PTSD, can involve some overlapping symptoms, they do not encapsulate the full range and intensity of symptoms specific to psychosis. For instance, depression primarily affects mood and can involve feelings of sadness and disinterest without necessarily leading to delusions or hallucinations. PTSD can include flashbacks and heightened emotional reactivity due to past trauma but does not inherently involve the disorganized thinking associated with psychosis. The dual diagnosis refers to the coexistence of mental health issues with substance abuse, which may complicate symptoms but does not singularly define the hallmark characteristics of psychosis.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


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